Chef Java Deploy

Chef cookbook to Deploy/Manage Java Projects/Repositories

View the Project on GitHub vkhatri/chef-javadeploy

javadeploy Cookbook

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This is a Chef cookbook to Deploy/Manage Java Projects Git Repositories.

This cookbook deploys a multi revisions service for Java Git Repositories with ease of revision control management.

More features and attributes will be added over time, feel free to contribute what you find missing!


Supported JDK Versions

There is no limitation on Java to use this cookbook.

Java is setup and managed by java cookbook.


Cookbook Dependencies

Cookbook Recipes

Cookbook LWRP

Cookbook default LWRP javadeploy can be used to setup multiple java git repositories.

Note: LWRP resource attribute :ssh_key_wrapper_file must point to git ssh wrapper script file for git repository sync. Soon wrapper setup support will be added to the cookbook.

LWRP example

Create a java service using LWRP:

javadeploy 'GIT_REPOSITORY' do
  ssh_key_wrapper_file '/opt/javadeploy/ssh_key_wrapper/GIT_REPOSITORY_KEY.wrapper'
  repository_url ''
  options ["",
  class_name 'java.className'
  class_path ["config/#{node.environment}",
  console_log false
  current_revision 'CURRENT_REVISION'
  other_revisions ['OLD_REVISION_1', 'OLD_REVISION_2']

Delete a java project using LWRP:

javadeploy 'GIT_REPOSITORY' do
  option value
  action :delete

LWRP Options


Cookbook Repository Revision Types

For a repository, revision is categorized into two types:

Cookbook LWRP Revision Attributes & Precedence

Repository revisions can be managed in different ways using this cookbook.

LWRP Revision Attributes Precedence

Idea is to minimise the effort to change and manage revision for multiple repositories in a simplest way possible.

LWRP Revision Attributes


To configure repository current & other revisions value from a local file, set LWRP resource attribute :file_revision.

Default value for :file_revision resource attribute is node['javadeploy']['file_revision'].

If this file exist and contain revision attributes current_revision & other_revisions for the repository, current & other revisions value will be set from the :file_revision file.

Note: :file_revision gets first precedence to determine current & other revisions value and overrides :databag_revision and LWRP resource attributes current_revision & other_revision.


To determine repository current & other revisions value from data bag, set attribute :databag_revision to true.

Default value for :databag_revision resource attribute is node['javadeploy']['databag_revision'].

There are two scenarios if :databag_revision resource attribute is set:

  1. If :file_revision resource attribute is defined and revision attribute value were found in :file_revision file, LWRP will NOT look up into data bag items hierarchy.

  2. If :file_revision resource attribute is defined and revision attributes were NOT found in :file_revision file, LWRP will look up into data bag items hierarchy.

  3. If :file_revision resource attribute is NOT defined, LWRP will simply lookup data bag hierarchy to determine revision attributes.

Note: :databag_revision gets second precedence to determine revisions value & overrides LWRP resource attributes current_revision & other_revision

:current_revision & :other_revisions

This is the simplest way to configure repository revisions.

LWRP will use resource attributes - :current_revision as current revision & :other_revisions as other revisions only in below scenarios:

  1. if resource attributes :file_revision & databag_revision are not set
  2. or resource attributes :file_revision & databag_revision are set but were unable to determine current/others revisions value

Note: current_revision & other_revision gets least precedence to determine revisions value.

Default value for resource attribute current_revision is set to node['javadeploy']['current_revision'].

Default value for resource attribute other_revisions is set to [].

Cookbook LWRP Revision using Resource Attributes

As mentioned earlier there are two types of revisions current and other.

Both can be configured with in LWRP using resource attributes - current_revision & other_revisions.

Resource attribute other_revisions is an Array resource to keep more than one older revisions, useful for roll back.

Managing repository revision with in LWRP resource is a best way if revision always refers to a branch.

Cookbook LWRP Revision from a JSON File

For each repository, current or other revisions value can be configured by a local JSON file.

Local JSON file location is common for all repositories and configurable by attribute node['javadeploy']['file_revision'].

Local JSON Revision File Format

  "repositories": {
    "repository1": {
      "current_revision": "rev03",
      "other_revisions": ["rev01", "rev02"]
    "repository2": {
      "current_revision": "rev02",
      "other_revisions": ["rev01", "rev03"]
    "repository3": {
      "current_revision": "rev03"
    "backend": {
      "other_revisions": ["rev01","rev02"]


If attribute `node['javadeploy']['file_revision']` is not configured,
LWRP will not lookup local file for revisions value.

If a repository or repository revision attributes are not present in the file,
LWRP will try to look up revisions in next configured precedence.

Managing repository revisions from a local json file could be a problem especially running in cloud infrastructure where node replacement or rebuild requires its preservation.

But, it is a quick solution to verify the revision without making any change in cookbook or data bag.

Cookbook LWRP Revision from Data Bag Hierarchy

Managing repository revisions using data bag is a better way if revisions are keep changing very frequently and revisions vary among nodes, clusters and environments.

Enable Data Bag Revisions for One or All Repositories

To configure a repository revisions using data bag, simply set LWRP resource attribute :databag_revision, default value is configured by attribute node['javadeploy']['databag_revision'].

By setting attribute node['javadeploy']['databag_revision'] to true, all repositories or LWRP resources will look up data bag for revisions depending upon the precedence.

Data Bag Name

Cookbook data bag name is configurable by attribute node['javadeploy']['databag'].

Data Bag Items

There are total four data bag items used by LWRP to maintain repository revisions hierarchy:

Create Data Bag & Items

Create Data bag:

knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME

Create below Data Bag Items and copy content from sample mentioned in next section:

knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME revision_fqdn
knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME revision_flock
knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME revision_environment
knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME revision_default

Or Create below Data Bag Items json file from next section samples and upload to Data Bag:

knife data bag from file DATA_BAG_NAME revision_fqdn.json
knife data bag from file DATA_BAG_NAME revision_flock.json
knife data bag from file DATA_BAG_NAME revision_environment.json
knife data bag from file DATA_BAG_NAME revision_default.json

Data Bag Items Sample

item - revision_fqdn

  "id": "revision_fqdn",
  "description": "Node FQDN Revision",
  "repositories": {
    "fqdn1": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": ,
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": null
    "fqdn2": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": ,
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": null

item - revision_flock

  "id": "revision_fqdn",
  "description": "Node Cluster Revision",
  "repositories": {
    "cluster1": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": "rev",
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": "rev",
        "other_revisions": null
    "cluster2": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": "rev",
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": null

item - revision_environment

  "id": "revision_environment",
  "description": "Environment Revision",
  "repositories": {
    "environment1": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": "rev",
        "other_revisions": ["rev", "rev2"]
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": null
    "environment2": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": "rev1",
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": ["rev"]

item - revision_default

  "id": "revision_fqdn",
  "description": "FQDN Revision",
  "repositories": {
    "default": {
      "repository1": {
        "current_revision": "rev",
        "other_revisions": null
      "repository2": {
        "current_revision": null,
        "other_revisions": ["rev"]

Store Repository from Data Bag Source

Instead of creating LWRP resource for each repository, a repository can also be created using node attribute node['javadeploy']['repositories']. So that for any repository add/delete/update LWRP resoruce not need to be created.

Add Repositories to Data Bag Collection

To maintain repositories information, a data bag item needs to created with name repositories.

This data bag item will have all the repositories and their details.

Below json file is a sample of repositories data bag item.

  "id": "repositories",
    "description": "Repositories Details",
    "repositories": {
        "repository_url": "",
        "repository_checkout": null,
        "user": null,
        "group": null,
        "dir_mode": null,
        "service_name": null,
        "manage_service": null,
        "service_action": null,
        "service_supports": null,
        "init_style": null,
        "ssh_key_wrapper_file": "/opt/javadeploy/gitkey.wrapper",
        "console_log": false,
        "verify_file": null,
        "class_path": [],
        "ext_class_path": [],
        "class_name": "java.className",
        "options": [],
        "jar": null,
        "args": [],
        "auto_java_xmx": true,
        "environment": null,
        "flock": null,
        "other_revisions": [],
        "current_revision": null,
        "databag_revision": false,
        "file_revision": null,
        "notify_restart": "",
        "revision_service_notify_action": null,
        "revision_service_notify_timing": null,
        "cookbook": null,
        "purge": true
        "repository_url": "",
        "repository_checkout": null,
        "user": null,
        "group": null,
        "dir_mode": null,
        "service_name": null,
        "manage_service": null,
        "service_action": null,
        "service_supports": null,
        "init_style": null,
        "ssh_key_wrapper_file": "/opt/javadeploy/gitkey.wrapper",
        "console_log": false,
        "verify_file": null,
        "class_path": [],
        "ext_class_path": [],
        "class_name": "java.className",
        "options": [],
        "jar": null,
        "args": [],
        "auto_java_xmx": true,
        "environment": null,
        "flock": null,
        "other_revisions": [],
        "current_revision": null,
        "databag_revision": false,
        "file_revision": null,
        "notify_restart": "",
        "revision_service_notify_action": null,
        "revision_service_notify_timing": null,
        "cookbook": null,
        "purge": true

Note: All the repository resource are not required, add them as per requirement.

Create Repository using Node Attribute

"default_attributes": {
  "javadeploy": {
    "repositories": {
      "repository_name1": {},
      "repository_name2": {}

Delete Repository using Node Attribute

"default_attributes": {
  "javadeploy": {
    "repositories": {
      "repository_name1": {
        "action": "delete"
      "repository_name2": {
        "action": "delete"

Cookbook Recipe javadeploy::repositories

Recipe javadeploy::repositories read node attribute node['javadeploy']['repositories'] and create/delete repository on the node.

This makes adding or removing repository for a node more simpler by simply adding a repository with resource :action to node attribute - node['javadeploy']['repositories'].

Cookbook Revision Precedence Scenarios

Information not yet added.

Cookbook Advanced Attributes

Cookbook Core Attributes

Cookbook Ulimit Attributes


Add javadeploy cookbook to your cookbook metadata.rb and add javadeploy::default to your cookbook recipe before using LWRP. It is required to create base directory/file resources.

Setup SSH Key Wrapper

Create SSH Wrapper File

Create a ssh key wrapper file, e.g. /opt/javadeploy/gitkey.key.wrapper with below content:


/usr/bin/env ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -i "<%= /opt/javadeploy/gitkey.key -%>" $@

Create SSH Private Key File

e.g. /opt/javadeploy/gitkey.key

Add SSH Private Key Content to file /opt/javadeploy/gitkey.key.

Create Java Repository Resource

Add below resource to your cookbook recipe:

javadeploy 'GIT_REPOSITORY' do
  ssh_key_wrapper_file '/opt/javadeploy/gitkey.key.wrapper'
  repository_url ''
  options ["",
  class_name 'java.className'
  class_path ["config/#{node.environment}",
  console_log false
  current_revision 'CURRENT_REVISION'
  other_revisions ['OLD_REVISION_1', 'OLD_REVISION_2']

Delete Java Repository Resource

Update resource action to :delete to remove a repository from the node:

javadeploy 'GIT_REPOSITORY' do
  option value
  action :delete


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests (rake), ensuring they all pass
  6. Write new resource/attribute description to
  7. Write description about changes to PR
  8. Submit a Pull Request using Github

Copyright & License

Authors:: Virender Khatri and Contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.